Sunday, September 18, 2016

Jay ~ on your wedding day...

My baby's your wedding day! It simply cannot be. You are lying in my arms, a freshly bathed babe with soft pink skin and wide, wide wise eyes; an old soul with so many lessons about love, compassion, and heart to teach me.

My baby's your wedding day, but here you are smiling up at me with your glistening, golden angel hair, your eyes so very blue, and your smile so very sweet. You asking me if I like your dress and if I think you look pretty...and you are wearing your sister's Ariel sneakers. 

My baby's your wedding day! How can it be? You are reading a story to your little brother who is wearing nothing but a diaper. His chubby hand holds one side of the book and your hand the other. You're cuddling with him in the brown recliner, Rosie's head on your knee. Your words speak love to Dom and he is enamored.

My baby can't be your wedding day. You're having sleepovers with your girlfriends, laughing, eating me out of house and home, making plans for the next school dance...sneaking unapproved garments to school, experimenting with cigarettes, catching the boys' eyes. You're playing field hockey. You're asking for help with your homework. You're watching The Tenth Kingdom and Anne of Green Gables with me and your siblings for the umpteenth time.

My baby girl...can this really be your wedding day? The day you've dreamed of for so long? Are you really marrying the man who stole your heart--the same heart that once belonged to your dad? I wish I could turn the clock back...have my little girl back. I'd live each day much, much more slowly...savor every, EVERY moment more deeply. Hug you many, MANY more times. Kiss your cheeks more and MORE. Read to you...walk with you...hold your'd do it again and again, but better.

Your a woman now, a beautiful, kind, generous, passionate, loving, genuine daughter. It IS your wedding day and you ARE marrying the man who rightfully captured your heart. I am so, SO very happy for you, Yay-Yay. I look forward to the next stage of your life..not my little girl, and yet yes, still my little girl. I am over-the-moon proud of you. I love you more than you can ever imagine. I'm your biggest fan...I hope you know I am...


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